Swaddle and Carrier Rental

Overwhelmed by all the choices out there? Not sure what you or your baby will actually like? Try before you buy!

Access a wide range of baby carriers and swaddles, allowing you to find the best style, fit and comfort for you, your partner and your baby!

How it Works

1- Check Availability

Browse our selection of baby swaddles and carriers below or in-person to see our selection of baby carriers and swaddles.

For the most up-to-date stock information, fill out the form below, call us, or visit our site in person

2 - Borrow Items

Borrow one item at a time for $15/week. You can keep the item for the whole week or try different ones during that period.

Need help from experts to learn more about baby-wearing or infant sleep, including safety and fit? Check out our drop-in expert support sessions: Baby-Wearing 101 and Sleep Solutions

3 - Return Items

Ensure you return the item(s) by the due date to avoid late fees ($5/day late).

Want to extend your rental? Call or email us to let us know you would like to extend!

Baby Carrier Selection

Inquire about Availability