Birth Preference Plan

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What is a Birth Plan and Why You Should Have One

A birth plan is written and printed of your preferences, wishes and hopes for your labor and birth. This plan it’s good way of communicating with your care team during labor. It includes things such as what positions you might want to birth in, what kind of pain relief you prefer (if you need it), what are your wishes about the procedures with baby after birth (for example if you want the hepatitis B shot given write after birth) and who you would like to be with you at the birth.

A birth plan can be also a good way to communicate with your pregnancy care providers about what is important to you before the labor starts, prenatal. It gives them information about your preferences during labor and what you would like to avoid, if possible.

Labor and birth are unpredictable and not all your preferences might be possible depending on how it’s labor evolving, it is also important to be flexible in your planning. But with a birth plan can help your care team discuss alternatives with you based on your preferences.

Download our free template for your birth plan preferences. If you are working with a Doula, they can also help you talk through all of your options and determine what your wishes are for you and your family!