Becky Langseth Photography & Films

Offer: $100 Off Birth Photography Packages


The day your child is born is extraordinary. It will be full of beautiful moments and every emotion imaginable. Hiring a professional birth photographer give you peace of mind, knowing your most important memories won’t be missed!

As a certified birth photographer, I believe that whether you choose to give birth at a hospital, a birth center or at home, your birth space is sacred, and your birth story deserves to be documented. I understand the immense value of having every detail artistically and professionally photographed so you can remember all the important events of what’s unique about your family and birth story. You can fully experience the day of your child's birth without having to worry about forgetting a moment or it all becoming a blur later on. 

When I gave birth, I hired a birth photographer, and I'm so glad I did! I'll cherish those photos forever. Seriously. Every time I look at my birth photos, I gasp with amazement as the memories flood my mind.

It breaks my heart when families don't choose birth photography due to misinformation, cost or general overwhelm doing "all the things" to prep for baby!

So, now I offer birth photography and videography for people who cherish their family and want to capture every detail.


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